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Category: Dental

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Is Lemon Water Bad for Your Teeth?

A glass of iced lemon water, in a kitchen surrounded by lemons.

From aiding in digestion to boosting energy, there are several health benefits to drinking lemon water. Unfortunately, this doesn’t include dental benefits.  Due to their acidity, drinks like lemon water, apple cider vinegar, and carbonated water can weaken enamel leading to increased sensitivity, risk of cavities, and discolouration.  How Acidity Affects Enamel The acidity content […]

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How Long Does a Dental Cleaning Take?

A young woman undergoing dental cleaning.

Understanding the time investment for maintaining your oral hygiene is crucial since it plays a vital role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Regular dental cleanings are a must for everyone, and often, concerns regarding the duration of these appointments can factor into scheduling them. We’ll address common questions and dispel myths about the […]

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Dentophobia: Overcoming Dental Anxiety

A young woman sitting in a dental chair and pointing to something displayed on a tablet as her dentist holds the tablet and smiles.

Your oral health is essential, and dental visits like exams, cleanings, and other services are necessary for keeping your smile healthy. However, a trip to the dentist can be an overwhelming experience for many patients.  If going to the dentist fills you with dread and fear, you’re not alone—you may have dentophobia. However, you don’t […]

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